Hybrid Corn
Vietnamese hybrid sticky corn variety. Glutinous corn, also known as waxy corn or sticky corn, originates from the Americas and spread to various parts of the world in the 15th and 16th centuries. It is stickier compared to other types of corn because it contains amylopectin starch
F1 Hybrid Violet Corn HN 66
Growth Period: From sowing to fresh harvest: 65-85 days.
Yield: Potential fresh corn yield: 14-16 tons/ha.
Plant height: 170-200 cm
Ear height: 80-90 cm
Deep green leaves that stay green until harvest
Ear length: 17-20 cm, Ear diameter: 4.7-5.5 cm
Well-filled ears with tight, green husks
Straight rows of kernels, large and deeply set kernels
Number of rows per ear: 12-14
Number of kernels per row: 30-40
Moderate resistance to major pests and diseases, widely adaptable
Good lodging resistance, with dark green, open leaves
Quality: Excellent fresh eating quality (sticky, crunchy, sweet, rich, aromatic)
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