Thông tin sản phẩm

F1 Hybrid Wax Gourd:
WAX 242

Growth Period (DAYS): 45-50, harvesting lasts 30-55 days.


  • Vigorous growth, adapts to various soil types, can be planted year-round.
  • Good resistance to common pests and diseases in the gourd family, especially virus-related diseases.
  • Fruits start from low nodes when the plant spreads 0.4-0.5 m and extend up to the top of the trellis. Long-lasting harvest.
  • Wax gourd Wax 242 has cylindrical fruits, averaging 20-25 cm in length, with green skin speckled with white spots. Fruit weight is 0.4-0.6 kg per fruit.
  • Yield: 40-50 tons/ha.